Monday, 23 January 2012

Feedback from our first screening

On Monday 16th January we had our first screening in our Media lesson. Although we hadn't finished editing we had to show what we had. The feedback we got from our peers and teachers reflected the quality of our video. Most of them said we needed to do a lot of work on it. Our teacher said we need to add a few split screens at the beginning to introduce the different dancers because someone who didn't know the narrative of the video wouldn't understand it from watching what we had. Another feedback was that when we filmed the church scene the people weren't really in the shot and we needed to have filmed the people in the shot tighter.

Most people also said that the performance of the dancers was good because it made the video look believable.
Our first screening showed us we definitely have a lot of work to do with our music video, but i think we have done well because before we started editing neither of us in my group really knew how to edit using Final Cut Pro.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Production Journal 15- Stages of my Digipak

These pictures are the stages of me whilst I was making my digipak. I already knew what I wanted to do before I started but I tried various themes to see which would look better.

Production Journal 14

In our recent media studies lesson we have started editing our music video. Initially, the other group member started doing and we both talked on how we wanted to edit it however I have started to edit it as well and we both found it hard at the beginning but we got used to how to edit and other techniques on Final Cut Pro. When we were editing we tried to follow the narrative in our storyboard as best as we can, but sometimes we realise its better to place some of the footage in different places because it didn't work as well if we followed the storyboard exactly.
As well as editing our music video we also have to do our digipaks and poster for our album promotion. We have both got different ideas for how we want our digipaks to look like.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Evidence of Recce - Secret Scene

Production Journal 13

During the holidays we scheduled to do the last part of filming of our music video with the dancers. Unfortunately we found out that one of the dancers was going on holiday so she couldn't join us on the day we were filming.
On the day we wanted to film which was Monday 18th December the weather became a disruption as it started raining and it became really windy. We decided to wait for the rain to stop but the dancers had places to be so we rescheduled. On the day we rescheduled on it also rained so we decided to postpone it till the next week when every dancer wasn't busy.

We filmed most of the dancers on thursday 29th of December but, one of the dancers did not show up and he wasn't taking part properly when we filmed the other scenes so we decide to stop using him in our music video and make do with the dancers and footage we already had because he didn't have time to give up to film with us.
Apart from the weather we also had an issue with the battery running out so we couldn't use the flip camera and we had to use a digital camera instead but, the quality of the video was really good with the camera.
Apart from that and the weather we didn't come across any other difficulties and next time we have to remember to take some spare batteries when we go out filming.